Have you heard the news? Have you? Have you? It's been the talk of the town today. I was actually at work cateloguing and organizing inventory in the back office when my co-worker came in squealing his head off in joy (and he's not even gay... actually he's uber-gay, and I say that with love). Since then, I've been getting marriage proposals right and left.
It's finally happened: California has become the second state to recognize marriage equality for same-sex couples. Once I found out, the long line of lesbians in denim short-shorts and wedding veils clutching to husky women wearing oddly hanging tuxedo jackets over their lovely pilling flannel shirts at City Hall made much more sense. Next thing you know, this column is going to be the gay adult version of the wedding section of the NY Times.
Now... the real question is, in the tradition of Amy Tam's famous novel Joy Luck Club, who shall I be number one wife to? Or if we're really going with tradition here, number three wife. I have a few people in mind... Can you guess what they do for a living?
To get the full story, click on the following link to the article released by the Human Rights Campaign:
California Becomes Second State to Recognize Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples