I'm sure you've all been forgetting about me... especially since I haven't posted a blog in a while, but there's actually quite a good reason for why I've been missing. I've been travelling.... AGAIN! Right now, I've settled down in the city I will actually be living in for quite a while: Nuremberg (Nürnberg), a city in the Bavarian province of Germnay (Deutschland) famous for its wooden toys, some pastries called Lebkuchen, an actual "berg" (castle), and some other stuff like domes on old buildings that pop out of the skyline looking like female nipples... seriously. I guess the city is famous for other things like the Nuremberg Trials and the Nuremberg Chronicles... and all that Nazi background and stuff, but seriously... the dome on the main train station here looks like a gangrenous female nipple.
Do you see it? Do you see it?
So... apparently, I'm not the first person to point that out. Anyway, here's how my flights to Germany went. I first flew out of JFK to Liverpool, which was fine. While in Liverpool, I checked in for my flight to Berlin... which sucked. The ticket didn't have a gate number, and they made me stuff my second carry-on into my first, which didn't fit and was busting out at the seams like a crazy bursting banana that's about to spackel the inside of a microwave, before going through security, and I was pretty much lost for half an hour. Here's what happened when I asked some random lady for help:
Me: Um... my ticket doesn't seem to have a gate number. Do you know where I can find out where I'm supposed to go?
Evil Lady: (with a british accent)Oh, dear. I'm sorry, but I don't speak a bit of English... Why don't you ask that queer looking old lady with the blue bonnet waving her cane around at people when they approach her. She seems like a nice old American.
Well, I reached my flight safely after using a fake British accent while asking some other couple where I'm supposed to go (which they then proceeded to ignore me when they noticed I had an American passport), and I got to Berlin in about two hours only to find myself waiting at the baggage claim carousel next to that Evil Lady who supposedly didn't speak any English. Oh well, who cares? I'm in EUROPE! YAY!!!
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