So, if you've been looking for me over the past few days, then you would probably have found me at either Here Lounge, Factory, or Tigerheat. I really only came back for my five year high school reunion which was this recent Thursday (by the way, who the hell has a five year high school reunion), but everytime I'm in LA, I somehow go into party mode and never leave West Hollywood... even to sleep (hint, hint).
Well, it's no secret that some of the best events in all of Hollywood are held by Jonathan Chang (for example, Jonathan Chang's Popular Thursdays, which I've been at every week for the past three weeks). Well, Jonathan Change, Paul Nicholls,, and a few others are hosting the IT party of the season tommorrow: Enchantment @ Here Lounge.
I've already been made to promise by Blake Riley and a few other Adult Entertainment Industry stars and execs to come to the event, and I'm bringing a lot of $1's and $5's to put down Blake's underpants as he dances. Y'all better do the same.
Last night, Wednesday the 19th, I met up with many of my friends for the first time in four months in Here Lounge. I didn't learn until last night that Chi Chi LaRue no longer was a part of the Dirty Deeds! parties at FUBar. For a while, I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to be doing. I texted everyone from Trevor Knight to Christian Owen, but of course, they were all on shoot. Eventually, though, I found out about Jason Sechrest's Porn Star of the Week party during Here Lounge's Garageparty. I was sad to find out that I missed last weeks party since my good frien Blake Riley was headlining, but my tongue dropped as soon as I met last night's headliner Sebastian Young from the recent hit movie On Fire!
I can't believe I didn't bring a damned camera. Last night, not only was I photoed with Sebastian Young all over the bar, but our tongues were intertwined in a few of those - by the way, his tongue is just as long as mine, which is something to be very proud of. While on stage, Jason Sechrest also passed out copies of On Fire! to the crowd. Not only did I get a copy, but Sebastian signed it for me after taking of the plastic encasing off with his teeth. I have to say that Sebastian has such an ornate signature.
Besides, meeting Sebastian, and seeing old friends like Trevor Knight, Ross Cannon, and Blake Riley (by the way, Blake will be dancing at here Lounge on New Years), Brandon Baker, the golden haired boi Angel Benton (vote for him on the WeHo XXX Awards), and many, many others, I finally met a few other notable names in the Adult Entertainment Industry. I spent most of the night after 1 AM talking about Germany and jet lag with Cort Donovan and Jack Ryan who were both visiting LA. We also had a few conversations about some notbale toys which won't be available until after the holidays, like Blake Riley's butt and dildo toy in one (now he can be the Lucky Pierre in all your threeways).
If you want to party tonight, I will be meeting up with a few others at MJs in Silverlake where Sebastian Young will be headlining at Jason Sechrest's Porn Star Alley.
I’m finally in Los Angeles. I actually got in yesterday night. Actually, I’m not having that great of a time right now. It’s not that I don’t like Los Angeles; it’s just that I’m recovering from a cold that I caught while I was staying in my family’s New York apartment – I officially hate our neighbors now. The cold sort of stunted my trip. I never expected to be so disappointed by a visit to my favorite city, but rubbing my nose raw with a tissue just sucked. It did start off very promising, though. The first three days of my trip to New York was awesome.
For the first time in a very long time, I was able to cross off another thing on my “to do” list. I had my first orgy. Now, I’ve had threesomes, and fourgies, but none of those can really be called a full blown orgy. I don’t know how most people define the word “orgy,” but for me, an orgy always has more than nine people. A fourgy may sound like an orgy, but it isn’t. It’s just a threesome plus one. Now, the first orgy that I’ve ever had that I’m referring to was at the GBU party. It was difficult to get to, mainly because I’m currently a resident of a European country. But, overall, I’m glad I flew for half a day straight just to get to New York City.
Beyond that, the R train that I was supposed to take to get to the GBU party in Brooklyn wasn’t working properly. I took a different train instead that made the same subway stops. I arrived right around midnight, and the party had already been in full blast for hours. I was escorted downstairs and immediately directed into the back with a new GBU jersey, given to me by the incomparable and sexy stud Chris Hawke himself. Walking to the back, I saw at least sixty guys, all young, horny, fit, and glistening with mixtures of sex-sweat and piss. It’s strange that while walking through the corridors behind the DJ booth and bar, it didn’t smell of raunch or degradation like a sex pit normally would. It smelled of… well the best word I could think of is “youth”; the place had this distinct scent, as if everyone and everything around was emitting only high levels of pheromones and nothing else.
I’ve been in sex pits before. An old friend of mine actually used to work in a bathhouse in New Orleans. A group of us used to get a room and smoke weed and munch on chips all night long and joke constantly about how gross the bath house was, and each time, we would try and convince at least one of us to go out the cabin door and do something naughty – no one ever did. Even then, constant odors of stale lube and random unflattering sex odors would waft into our room even though our door was kept permanently closed until our friend would get off work. Strangely, I remember those odors to have a distinct similarity to college frat parties I went to before I graduated from college. The GBU frat house was completely different. It was odor free except for that one heavenly scent and the desire to mingle wasn’t bogged down by any dank atmosphere – it was dark down there, but surprisingly not dank.
After navigating through the corridor of moaning walls and glory holes, the back was where the larger part of the party was taking place. After a few minutes of watching, a tub that had three boys in it being drenched in piss was being cleared and Chris and I entered into the tub. A friend of Chris was the first to actually christen both our fresh new GBU jerseys. It started with that one guy aiming his dick from one to the other, then a second would follow, and a third, until at one point, there were five new guys spreading their lust-filled spatterings all over us.
At some point, while taking a breather after fooling around in the middle of twenty guys in the play area (I believe there were about 75 people there that night overall), I met a cute couple by the bar while munching on the complimentary bowls of popcorn (like people always say, the best things in life are free... especially food when you have an oral fixation like me); two dancers in their twenties who had only been dating for a few months when they found out that they both shared the same fetish. As a couple, it was their first trip to the GBU party together. They had each been to GBU parties in the past, but they didn’t always go to every one. So when they did attend a function, it was always the one that the other missed. So, for months, they had been missing out on each other until they finally met at a bar in Midtown East. They started dating in an open relationship, but they both struggled for a way to ask the other to explore this particular fetish that they didn’t realize they both shared. They were mutually amazed when they found out each was trying to ask the other to go to a GBU party. I really thought this kind of stuff was made for all those chick flick enthusiasts, but honestly, I was dumbfounded that shit like that happened. I believe the word for this is serendipity.
Now, don’t you wish you could go to the next GBU party? It's on the 9th of February…
If you want to get added to the guest list for the next party (Chris hosts them every few months), then e-mail Chris Hawke at for more info. Here's a piss vid for all of you who missed out but wished you could have made it to this last one. The video is from Golden Boys USA , who hosted the GBU College Watersports Party in New York City:
By the way, this video also happens to be one of the most watched videos on X Tube. And I stayed in that apartment for the night after the party. Gotta love NYC.
I know it's a cliche to write an Editor's Letter, but I'm going to attempt one as this is a new starting point. So, as this is the opening to pretty much a new issue (and I use the magazine term "issue" loosely to represent a new stage of my life), I think I deserve to write a Editor's Letter. Don't you agree? Don't answer that question.
If you haven't noticed the fact that I've been missing, then you were probably either a coma victim, or you've been away yourself (hopefully the latter applies if either apply at all). However, majority of my readers out there are aware that I really haven't posted anything since my birthday on the 28th of September (and I'm still pretending that I'm in my teens; I do have very good stamina when it comes to lying to myself).
To tell you the truth, the reason why I've been AWOL for so long is because Nuremberg is really fucking boring. There... I said it. I made a TERRIBLE MISTAKE by choosing to move here. It's not that Germany sucks (actually, most of Germany is awesome), or that Nuremberg sucks (though it kind of does), but where I've chosen to live kind of separated me from the rest of the world outside the city limits. I'm a porn blogger, and I'm living in a city where practically no one watches, discusses, or "acts" in porn. How fucking stupid is that?!
Berlin would have been a better choice, but ever since I pretty much spent a giant chunk of my money (mostly lost through the crappy US$ to EUR conversion rate) trying to survive in Nuremberg, I can't move to Berlin now. It's too late. Too bad, too, cause Berlin is the home of crazy/freaky clubs like the Kit Kat Club (where Hustlaball Berlin was held, and I did go), great restuarants (like Reinhardts which has the most amazing roast duck served in a German/French fusion styled orange glaze sauce), and other great "ass"-ets like Cazzo Films (and if you guys at Cazzo are reading this: Awesome fucking movies, dudes! Can I get a few for "free"-ish?).
Now that all that crap has been cleared off my lightly hairy chest, I have a bunch of news to tell everyone:
1. Duh... I've returned! 2. I wasn't coke-ing up somewhere. 3. I'm moving back to Los Angeles in a few months.
Yup, that's right. I'm moving back to the USA in a few months. One of the reasons why is because I've really exhausted all my saved funds, and since my visa is a non-working visa, I don't have an expendable income - I don't have an income at all. I was supposed to have a working visa, but the government keeps sending me papers and forms to fill out every two weeks in the mail and refuses to give me a working visa until I commit suicide because the government apparently doesn't like to make things easy for foreigners. The other reason why I'm moving back is because Nuremberg is really too small of a city for me. It's sort of like New Orleans: it's a big city atmosphere in a quaint little town, ergo the term town-city. Though I like Nuremberg for it's atmosphere, too much of a good thing is still too much. I miss Los Angeles, and I miss New York. I even fucking miss New Orleans (even though that was a small city, it was still a really fucking raunchy place to be during the fall to spring seasons).
So, this Thursday (December 6th), I'm going to be visiting some family in Manhattan, and in a few weeks (December 18th), I will be back in Los Angeles for the holidays - look for me in West Hollywood if you're in the neighborhood. I will be returning to Nuremberg on the 9th of January but only for a short period (maybe 1 - 2.5 months or so) to finish up some business and start the moving process all over again. I expect that I will again be a resident of California no later than March. Until then, I will have a lot to report on, whether it's porn star interviews, Yum-Yum Boys, or some adult entertainment news.
I hope all of you readers out there didn't disappear, cause I'm really going to need to hear your comments and suggestions like always, so that you can all stay fucking entertained. is a collection of many major blogs written by people within or related to the industry all put into one simple place by Brandon Baker. All you have to do is click on the blog you want to read and it opens in a special area of the page. If you want to switch to another blog, go ahead and click the link on the left side panel.