I normally don't like to post so soon after having posted an interview because I don't want to take attention away from industry news and stuff... I'm restless and I'm angry. Some people know that I usually can't sleep at night (I'm a night owl... duhhh. How else do you explain my rampant partying and sexcapades?), and because I haven't been sleeping and there's nothing to do sometimes, I've been reorganizing all of mine and my brother's stuff in the master bedroom cause he's straight... and so he's naturally a messy, unorganized wierdo. Well, after going through the nightstands, the closet, the cabinets, etc., I've been finding shit from the past two years I thought I've lost. I've been finding designer watches, jewelry, colognes, lotions, skin care products, and other trinkets and baubles. He even stole a condom box designed by Alessi that I bought a year and a half ago when I was in college... and after living through Hurricane Katrina, the amount I paid for this shiny object cost me what was in those days a small fortune. Ummm... by the way, I'm easily seduced by shiny objects... teehee.
Where was I? Oh yeah... what the fuck, dude?! When I was in Germany and I needed money cause I was running low on funds while I wasn't getting paid since I didn't have a German visa, he only lent me $300... and with the conversion rate to Euros, that's nothing. But all of a sudden, there's like $7000 worth of missing shit that's been turning up all over the place, and half the shit is ruined. The watches don't work, the cologne bottles are empty but still in the cabinets, my condom box is scratched up and it didn't even seal tightly like it's supposed to. Does he know how many people I've had to sleep to get just half of these things? I am sooooo PISSED! The worst part about it is that I found three condoms in the condom box. An Ultra Thin Trojan (Yay for the next guy who'll be fucking me), and two Durex condoms with Chinese characters on it, which obviously mean they were purchased during one of his many trips to Shanghai where he works. Not only do I dislike Durex condoms cause they seem to suck for guys with huge dicks... and me loves some o' that huge dicks, but they were made in China. Do you know how many Chinese people are out there in China? Any my brother chooses willingly to trust Chinese condoms?! Seriously... I had to throw them away!
I've decided that for revenge, I'm stealing either the antennas off of his remote control cars that he's spent months building (by the way, he's 10 years older than me) or I'm stealing one of his Hermes ties and one of his Jim Thompson ties. I know the former would be a bitchier thing to do cause each one of those cars cost a couple hundred... but I don't think I can pass up the ties... They have a shiny sheen to the fabric. Damn! Why do I have to be so easily seduced by shiny objects?!
Now if you REALLY wanted to be a bitch you would take a hat pin and poke holes in your brother's condoms and not tell him. *wink*
LOL... I would, but he's celebate, not by his own choice of course.
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