Friday, December 18, 2009
Unzipped Media Holiday Party TONIGHT in LA!
If you've been following me on Twitter (@KylerCoy) then you know that I've just spent about 52 straight hours from Tuesday morning to yesterday (wednesday) evening driving straight across the country with less than about an hour for a nap somewhere in the middle of Texas. Well, I was supposed to come back next week, but I really wanted to be here for tonight's Unzipped Media's holiday party that is celebrating their Holiday Issue release featuring the well publicized photo spreads which feature Nick Leoni and Starrfucker, The Jareks, and Chris Rockaway. So come on down to MJ's Bar down in Silverlake, and contribute to my need to get shit-faced after driving over two straight days to get back to LA!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wear Your Helmet: a Review of C1R’s and All World’s “Gridiron Gang Bang”

The movie begins with Vance Winter sitting on a bench between the open-faced shower area and the locker area. Winter watches Cam Adams, Spencer Whitman and Cameron Marshall shower while the rest of the guys are getting out of their pads and uniforms. Whitman notices Vance trying to sneak peaks through shy, downward glances, and Spencer starts to get himself hard under the running water before turning to face the towel boy. Vance just stands up, walks over, kneels down, fully clothed, under the streaming water and wet cock of Spencer and proceeds to slurp on that nine incher, uncut dick in his face. Immediately, the two Camerons notice and start to watch.
Josh Griffin is the first in the locker area to notice the action and taps Mitchell Rock on the back and points his gaze to the action before throwing a football at Dayton O’Connor to get his attention towards the action. Throughout all of this, not a single word is spoken, but the chain reaction has begun.
Not exactly the macho let’s-teach-the-queer-a-lesson kind of fantasy most queer guys (and some slutty cheerleaders) spend long nights dreaming about back in high school, but Chi Chi LaRue has been known to take the obvious and surprise you with a new vision and better version of the old classics. Instead of the abusive fantasy, the audience gets introduced to a more playful progression as compared to the usual gang bang films available on the market.
Vance Winter isn’t the only bottom in this film though. After a long “round robin” rimming scene, which takes place after the first set of cumshots where Rock and Adams both get rimmed by everyone on the team and the towel boy star himself, Rock actually bottoms first to Cameron Marshall. However, when the gang banging starts, Vance’s vocals is incomparable as compared to all the moans and groans of the others; no wonder why he is one of if not the very star of the film. Other possible stars of this film would definitely include Dayton O’Connor with the close-up shots of him spitting on his dick to lube it up as he slowly jacks off. It’s surprisingly mesmerizing the way each downward stroke makes his balls draw up against his shaft, before they release into a beautiful full sac on the upward stroke. Even better is the looks Vance and Dayton share when Vance leaves the three men in the shower to suckle Dayton’s cock. Still, it gets better when Dayton becomes the fourth man in the gang bang section of the film; it’s all in Vance’s face – you’ll have to purchase the movie to see what I mean. Of course, there has to be a mention of the two Camerons. Cameron Marshall and Cameron Adams deserve a special praise as they both deepthroated dicks alongside Vance throughout the film.

There is however, a new star made by this film and he has to get his own special mention and a new paragraph, and that is the aforementioned Spencer Whitman. This film has become Whitman’s debut into the industry, and as the only uncut one and truly hairy of the bunch, he’s made quite an impact. Though Johnny Hazard has a bit of hair between his pecs and we can all get a good luck at Cameron Marshall’s tasty, hairy hole when he fucks Rock, there’s no comparison for the sexy but manscaped fur all over Whitman’s chest and tummy leading all the way down to his beautiful uncut cock, which does get played with in the film, just in case anyone out there is a foreskin lover. More importantly, the man is hung like a mule and he can fuck. I doubt this was actually written in as dialogue, but when he does enter Vance Winter as the seventh guy in the row of men to fuck the towel boy, Vance does say, “Oh GAWD, you’re fucking huge. FUCK me!”

Some more notable things to look out for when watching the film:
- If you’re a fan of spit and drool, Vance Winter gives amazing blowjobs where he spits and drools on some of these cocks.
- Right before Vance Winter cums during the first round of cum shots, Vance suckles on Cameron Marshall’s cock head. And before Cameron shoots, Vance looks at the head completely transfixed.
- If you’re a fan of hot boys fucking muscular men, be sure to look out for the first fucking of the film where Cameron Marshall fucks muscle man Mitchell Rock.
- Jeremy Bilding fucks Vance Winter’s helmet through the holes of the face guard after he cums at the end, rubbing his wet dick flat across Vance Winter’s face.
Be forewarned, though: this is an almost no dialogue, no plot film. Besides, the aforementioned, seemingly non-scripted utterance of Vance’s, there’s really only two other real lines: Jeremy Bilding’s line when he enters in his coach’s outfit (“That’s what I like to see: team spirit!”), and Vance Winter’s line at the end (“Now I’m part of the team.”), which Vance delivers with a sheepish, well fucked grin on his face, there is no other real dialogue. Even the “suck that’s” and “fuck me’s” don’t come up until much later in the latter half of the film. But who cares about the dialogue. The film is one giant scene where the story is played out with looks, touches, sucks and fucks. It’s a story worth telling.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Snow Angels - Vote Today!
Well, it's December, and of course that means it is time for more holiday cheer. Currently, the Chicago Tribune is holding a contest for new holiday classics to replace the oh too familiar old ones that we've all grown tired of. There's only so many times I can hear a celebrity's rendition of "Santa, Baby" blurting out over the loud speakers of a packed mall. The Chicago Tribune has received over 110 entries via YouTube, and to everyone's delight Derek da Silva and the Snow Angels were picked as one of the top 12 finalists. Everyone gets to vote on-line for their favorite new classic through the Chicago Tribune website. The winners of this contest will have the chance to perform their winning song on national television.
So, if you, like me, want to see a gay adult performer, national activist, and very talented musical performer on national tv, you should vote for the Snow Angels and their song "CTA X-Mas Train" before the polls close at 11:59 PM (that's 23:59 hrs for most of the rest of the world... your support helps too) on Sunday, December 6th. There entry is number four (that's #4) on the list. And if you've already voted, get your friends and neighbors to vote too.
To vote, just click this link or copy and paste the link into your browser:
And so you know what you'll be voting for, here's the you tube video of "CTA X-Mas Train" by the Snow Angels. Just remember to scroll down to the bottom and pause my playlist before you start the video:
And another note: Don't forget to find some way to acknowledge World AIDS Day today and never forget the many adult film stars and other individuals around the world that have lost their lives due to complications from this virus.
Dec 1st is World AIDS Day. Remember!
So, if you, like me, want to see a gay adult performer, national activist, and very talented musical performer on national tv, you should vote for the Snow Angels and their song "CTA X-Mas Train" before the polls close at 11:59 PM (that's 23:59 hrs for most of the rest of the world... your support helps too) on Sunday, December 6th. There entry is number four (that's #4) on the list. And if you've already voted, get your friends and neighbors to vote too.
To vote, just click this link or copy and paste the link into your browser:
And so you know what you'll be voting for, here's the you tube video of "CTA X-Mas Train" by the Snow Angels. Just remember to scroll down to the bottom and pause my playlist before you start the video:
And another note: Don't forget to find some way to acknowledge World AIDS Day today and never forget the many adult film stars and other individuals around the world that have lost their lives due to complications from this virus.
Dec 1st is World AIDS Day. Remember!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Yum Yum Boy: It's Actually Boys... Plural
If you've been to San Francisco, then you are most likely aware of two cute adult film entertainers who are in a serious relationship together, who both work for Raging Stallions, and who both share the same first name. Have you guessed who these two are yet?
Yes, yes... I'm talking about the two Tristans: Tristan Jaxx and Tristan Phoenix. I originally met them both back at the beginning of March of 2008, not long after Tristan Phoenix had become a Raging Stallion exclusive. After meeting them, I had been invited to follow them around for a night out in San Francisco, and I ended up snapping photos of them headlining at a bar for Asian night (that last part I still don't understand, but somehow it still worked).

Keep in mind that in the days following, my computer had been infected with numerous viruses and spyware and slowly built up to an impossible situation in the middle of March, right before I moved back to Los Angeles. This was also around the time I did my interview with Jesse Santana concerning the topic of escorting and the adult entertainment industry. Somehow, the fates were against us and I just never had an actual chance to post any of the great shots I took. Well, I'm a Mac person now and I'm hoping to make up for making y'all miss out.
So, without any further delays, I give you our first ever double yum yum boy feature:

If you like what you see, visit Tristan Jaxx's blog at Jaxx Attack! And for a little bonus, Tristan Jaxx for RealTouch:
Yes, yes... I'm talking about the two Tristans: Tristan Jaxx and Tristan Phoenix. I originally met them both back at the beginning of March of 2008, not long after Tristan Phoenix had become a Raging Stallion exclusive. After meeting them, I had been invited to follow them around for a night out in San Francisco, and I ended up snapping photos of them headlining at a bar for Asian night (that last part I still don't understand, but somehow it still worked).
Keep in mind that in the days following, my computer had been infected with numerous viruses and spyware and slowly built up to an impossible situation in the middle of March, right before I moved back to Los Angeles. This was also around the time I did my interview with Jesse Santana concerning the topic of escorting and the adult entertainment industry. Somehow, the fates were against us and I just never had an actual chance to post any of the great shots I took. Well, I'm a Mac person now and I'm hoping to make up for making y'all miss out.
So, without any further delays, I give you our first ever double yum yum boy feature:
If you like what you see, visit Tristan Jaxx's blog at Jaxx Attack! And for a little bonus, Tristan Jaxx for RealTouch:
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Jeremy Bilding has been ROBBED!

So far, this Thanksgiving weekend hasn't been so good for our beloved Jeremy Bilding. It seemed to have started out great with him jet setting around the country showing all the hot shots out there how "hotness" is really done, but after arriving in the freezing City of Chicago, the good times began to level down.

"$2153 just taken from my pocket. I won't kill that person because that the humane tactic. I am going to fuck that person up SO BAD!!!"
- Quoted from Jeremy Bilding's twitter acccount @JeremyBilding
Originally Vegas winnings intended for rent and holiday gifts, the money was unable to be deposited into the bank before the incident occurred as Bilding was occupied both with traveling and attending a casting call, which is completely understandable.
It is believed that the dough will most likely be destined for some crack addicts nose and lungs. We can only hope that a good hearted crack dealer in Chicago will recognize the wad of cash and return it to it's rightful owner... but, sadly, that scenario is doubtful. Well, it's a white Christmas for someone this year.
Jeremy Bilding is currently horny and fuming at O'Hare Airport waiting for his return flight back to Los Angeles. Cinnabon was not there to give him a comforting, gooey consolation in time... or were they?
Jeremy Bilding is currently horny and fuming at O'Hare Airport waiting for his return flight back to Los Angeles. Cinnabon was not there to give him a comforting, gooey consolation in time... or were they?
It has been confirmed with another photo provided by Jeremy Bilding over Twitpic. he has found Cinnabon... but sadly, they did not have pecan.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Un-hibernation: A Letter to All
I've been missing for a while, and that's damned obvious, but can you blame me? In the last two years, I've basically moved six times: from New Orleans to my hometown in Los Angeles, to Nuremberg in Germany, to New York, to San Francisco, to Los Angeles again, and finally to Cocoa beach in Florida (where I've been hiding out since). To top that off, I'm heading back to Los Angeles in a few months (around February). It's not that I can't steady myself or any crap like that. It's just that I love to travel, but I hate having to leave every time I just get my bearings in a new place; that's why I just go ahead and stay somewhere for months at a time. I realize of course that this blog, which I started back while I was attending university in New Orleans, has suffered because of it.
I know I've said it before, but I am going to try and make one more effort in trying to stay on top of things. At this juncture in my life, I've finally escaped all the drama and put missed opportunities behind me. I took a hiatus from life and I've had these past few months since I moved here to evaluate everything and use what I've learned to change my life accordingly. I'm finally working out and focussing on creating a pattern for a healthier lifestyle, and I've started focussing on the things I value in life; my friends, for example (shout out to Brandon Baker, Angel Benton, Lex Sabre, Derek da Silva... etc. There's really too many to list). And so far, I've found that underneath everything, I'm still a crazy fucker, and I've learned to be proud of that fact.
So, before I start back up with re-immersing myself into the adult entertainment industry once again, let me first give thanks this holiday season to all those who've stood by me even when I closed myself off to the world. I am very grateful for all the support all of you have given me. And of course, thanks for not forgetting or abandoning me.
And with that, I believe I'm ready to slowly come out of hibernation.
With Love,
Kyler Coy
I know I've said it before, but I am going to try and make one more effort in trying to stay on top of things. At this juncture in my life, I've finally escaped all the drama and put missed opportunities behind me. I took a hiatus from life and I've had these past few months since I moved here to evaluate everything and use what I've learned to change my life accordingly. I'm finally working out and focussing on creating a pattern for a healthier lifestyle, and I've started focussing on the things I value in life; my friends, for example (shout out to Brandon Baker, Angel Benton, Lex Sabre, Derek da Silva... etc. There's really too many to list). And so far, I've found that underneath everything, I'm still a crazy fucker, and I've learned to be proud of that fact.
So, before I start back up with re-immersing myself into the adult entertainment industry once again, let me first give thanks this holiday season to all those who've stood by me even when I closed myself off to the world. I am very grateful for all the support all of you have given me. And of course, thanks for not forgetting or abandoning me.
And with that, I believe I'm ready to slowly come out of hibernation.
With Love,
Kyler Coy
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Summer Heat
My A/C is broken. Why does this shit have to happen during the summer?! I've been forced to start wearing anti-perspirant, which is unusual for me since I haven't worn any since I was nine - before I realized what it was for. At ten, I realized that I didn't really need it since I rarely ever sweat, and when I do, I usually just take a quick shower. But, lately, it's been so hot in my bedroom with the A/C broken that, for the first time in years, I've actually needed it. Well, all I can say is this sucks cause even though I only put a little bit on, the scent is making me nauseous. This is why sometimes I just hate summers!
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