So far, this Thanksgiving weekend hasn't been so good for our beloved Jeremy Bilding. It seemed to have started out great with him jet setting around the country showing all the hot shots out there how "hotness" is really done, but after arriving in the freezing City of Chicago, the good times began to level down.

"$2153 just taken from my pocket. I won't kill that person because that the humane tactic. I am going to fuck that person up SO BAD!!!"
- Quoted from Jeremy Bilding's twitter acccount @JeremyBilding
Originally Vegas winnings intended for rent and holiday gifts, the money was unable to be deposited into the bank before the incident occurred as Bilding was occupied both with traveling and attending a casting call, which is completely understandable.
It is believed that the dough will most likely be destined for some crack addicts nose and lungs. We can only hope that a good hearted crack dealer in Chicago will recognize the wad of cash and return it to it's rightful owner... but, sadly, that scenario is doubtful. Well, it's a white Christmas for someone this year.
Jeremy Bilding is currently horny and fuming at O'Hare Airport waiting for his return flight back to Los Angeles. Cinnabon was not there to give him a comforting, gooey consolation in time... or were they?
Jeremy Bilding is currently horny and fuming at O'Hare Airport waiting for his return flight back to Los Angeles. Cinnabon was not there to give him a comforting, gooey consolation in time... or were they?
It has been confirmed with another photo provided by Jeremy Bilding over Twitpic. he has found Cinnabon... but sadly, they did not have pecan.

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